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I Have Come To Take You Home
This book has been published in 17 languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Aulacese, etc.
Inside the book:
Table of Contents
Extraction from Chapters


Table of Contents


Chapter 1: LIFE ON EARTH
Our Purpose on Earth
The Future is in Our Hands
Moving Beyond Earthly Love
Divine Love

Beyond Evil
Death and Dying

Beyond Religion
The Forgotten Message of Christ
Jesus and Meditation
The Separation from God
The Return

The Kingdom Within
Understanding God
Enlightenment or the Great Awakening
Three Ways to Obtain Liberation
Immediate Enlightenment
Beyond this World

How Do We Recognize a Real Master
The Three Types of Masters
Why We Need a Living Master
The Love of a Living Master
The Path of the Great Masters

The Process of Initiation
The Benefits of Initiation
Being a Disciple

The True Meaning of Meditation
How to Meditate
The Quan YIn Method of Meditation
The "Word," the Inner Vibration

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      How many people have the chance to come in direct contact with the teachings of a truly enlightened living Master? The preciousness of that opportunity is explored in the pages of I Have Come to Take You Home. Prepared originally by one practitioner from Supreme Master Ching Hai's lectures, interviews and informal talks, this book began as a collection of personal notes. With the help of many fellow practitioners who transcribed the English lectures and translated many others, themes of Master's teachings began to emerge.

      Enlightened Masters, fully conscious of their Supreme Nature within, are perfect mirrors of the most noble and divine qualities within each of us. Their spiritual attainment is achieved, not for their own benefit, but to uplift all beings. Supreme Master Ching Hai is such a Master. And through transmission of the Quan Yin Method of meditation, known since ancient times as contemplation of the inner Light and Sound, She provides us with a way to attain ultimate liberation.

      In I Have Come to Take You Home, Master's wisdom illuminates a range of spiritual topics discussed throughout its chapters. Many of these topics are presented in question and answer format. This makes the material more clear and relevant while at the same time providing a depth of insight into the Quan Yin Method and other aspects of Master's teachings.

      During the process of editing this book, working practitioners tried to highlight the main points of what they felt were the most important themes whilst still preserving the essence of Supreme Master Ching Hai's original discourses. But due to the interpretive nature of their work, some of the wording and hence the meaning many differ from Master's actual words. Thankfully, Master compassionately accepted their devotion and has graciously permitted the publishing of this book despite its possible imperfections.

      It is also most fortunate that Supreme Master Ching Hai has allowed so many of Her discourses to be recorded, making them currently available on tapes, DVDs and CDs. Thus, any reader who would like to further explore the Heavenly and Blissful inspiration of Master's original words is encouraged to refer to bibliographic references provided at the end of each quoted passage in the book.

      May the Truth guide you to your own Great Awakening.

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Extraction from Chapters

Chapter 1: LIFE ON EARTH

"Our life is like a dream that we haven't awakened from, and when our spirit is awakened we discover our real nature, no matter how long we have been asleep. During enlightenment we enter into higher levels of existence and we see life from a very different angle. Everything takes place very quickly, without effort or drama. Like in a movie, if someone dies, we know that it is only a movie."

Everybody worries about the end of the world. Actually some people predict it and make many people worry. But even if the world comes to an end, the enlightened people would never feel bothered, because they know what this world is, and that it will go one day. But the life eternal always goes on, and nothing can affect it. Life eternal is what we are, wisdom is what we possess, love is what our nature is, and this cannot be destroyed, with any bomb at all. It cannot be limited by space and time. Therefore, the Masters initiate disciples without the limitation of space and time. Masters don't have to always be where the disciples are, but they can help them and bless them. The disciples will grow into mastership and also do the same.


Once we understand why we suffer, we can change it. It is only when we do not understand that we continue. Similarly, when a doctor diagnoses a condition and knows where the sickness is, he can cure it; but the most important thing is that the patient himself should know how to live his life in order to stay healthy for a long time. In order to stay healthy in body, we should know some hygienic rules. We should know what food to eat and what exercises to do, so that we can prevent most diseases. In order to stay healthy in spirit, we should know what the Law of God, the Law of Nature is. We should know this so that we can stay healthy in wisdom and become "God-like," because God made man in His own image.

Sometimes, we think that we are the doer in this world, and therefore we take all the burdens upon our shoulders. That is why we sometimes get exhausted, and then we get nothing done. If we get enlightenment, we know if we use it, if we know how to use the greatest power which is already provided within us, from which we came, and also to which we will return and in which we live our lives, then we will have less confusion, less and less each day, until no more confusion is left in our hearts, except to do the will of the Almighty. Jesus Christ also mentioned that 'I do, yes, but not I, it is the Father in me who does it.' And in Hinduism it always mentions 'not I but Thou.'

Regarding the notion of karma, you must know that there are two types of karma: human karma and universal karma. Men's laws are governed by an invisible force that cannot be grasped by human understanding. This is called in Sanskrit "karma," meaning the Law of Cause and Effect. It is mentioned in the Bible as "What you sow, so shall you reap."


I do not belong to Buddhism or Catholicism, I belong to the Truth and I preach the Truth. You may call it Buddhism, Catholicism, Taoism or whatever you like, I welcome all of them. Many Masters have problems fighting preconceived ideas about all religions. I have none. I will tell you that all religions are good. All religious Masters are good, speaking the Truth and leading you to it. Stick to your religion and have faith in your own religious Master. If you happen to find a religious Master in this present time and in your own religion then you are lucky. If not, then search in other religions to see if there is any living Master available.

But meanwhile have faith in your own religion, do not change to that Master's religion. Because all religions came from God and all religious leaders also came from God to convey their message in different times and places. All enlightened beings whether they are Catholic, Buddhist or from any other religion have all discovered the same thing, the same wisdom, the same ecstasy. I also found the same universe, and it is actually more a state of mind, of consciousness, of intelligence and higher understanding.

Buddhism is like Catholicism. I do not think that the teachings are different. When you compare the Christian's ten commandments to the Buddhist's commandments, it's the same: don't kill, don't steal, don't lie, don't drink alcohol or do drugs, don't take another's wife or husband. And the rest of the teachings are only details and explanations, or historical events recorded by the disciples when their Master was still alive. In the Bible, for example, there are many accounts of wars, and tribes fighting each other. This doesn't belong to the teaching but because these events took place when that Master was alive, they wrote them down.


Everyone has the inborn heaven, because the heaven is within us. Everyone has it and can find it. This I may assure you, that you may find it also, and immediately. The moment you want it you will get it, as quickly as that. But this nature has to be nourished every day, just like seeds need to be watered in order to grow. You can know your Buddha nature today, but you will become Buddha after some practice. Because we have been ignorant for so long, it takes a long, long time to wash out our habits, our lack of confidence in ourselves. We are used to people telling us what to do, that we are sinful, etc. After we get enlightened our head becomes clearer, we will experience how great we are, we will become more confident. We will know day after day with the practice of the Quan Yin Method that we are truly Christ, Christ-like or God-like, because God made man in His own image. He didn't make man to become a slave. We and God are made of the same essence, the only difference is whether or not we find it. God made everyone equally, some people found it and became great like Christ, like Buddha, and others have not found it and groveled in darkness life after life.

I have no intention to convince you that God exists. I am only among you to connect you with God, and then you will be able to believe me. I do not blame atheists because they do not see God inside of themselves. Not everyone can believe without proof. For those who do not believe in God, I offer them the opportunity to see Him through immediate enlightenment, so that you may discover your own nature, your own God-self.


"A real Master will not accept any donations for his or her own use, because God only gives and never takes. Second, he or she must give you some proof of enlightenment. For example, if someone proclaims to have light, then he must also give you some light or give you the proof that you can hear the Word of God. Whomever can give you a proof of the light and the Word of God, that is someone you can believe. Guru means light-giver, darkness-remover. Otherwise, how would you know if he has anything to offer?

A false master will always advertise his little miracles, but a real Master will never do so. If he is forced to, he will always act in secret. The disciple only will know, and only when it is necessary, to save him from a dangerous situation, to cure his illness, to help him mentally or to accelerate his spiritual progress. The disciple will then know the value of his Master. A real Master can only give and not take. His disciples are comfortable but the Master has to suffer. That is why it is said that Jesus had to uplift mankind and that He had to be crucified. He couldn't enjoy any privilege. That is why people scolded Him and crucified Him. Anyhow, once you learn this method, you are protected 100% by God?s power. The Master alone has to endure all kinds of suffering so everyone can enjoy. But this is the joy of being a parent! The children enjoy all the comforts and the parents have to work to provide all the things, and take all the responsibilities.

Actually, we don't have a Master in a sense. Only until the disciple is able to recognize his own mastership, then a so-called Master is necessary to guide him until then only. But we don't have a contract or anything. Of course, you have a contract with yourself that you should stick to the end, and this is for your own benefit. And initiation just means the moment of first recognition of your greater spirit, that's it.


Initiation means the beginning of a new life into a new order. It means that the Master has accepted you to become one of the beings in the circle of saints. Then, you are no longer an ordinary being, you are elevated, just like when you enroll for university, you are no longer a high school student. In the old times, they called it baptism or taking refuge in the Master. After initiation, the light from within will shine forth to show us the Kingdom of God, to lead us to our real Home. And we will find our true state of being, with such happiness that we never knew before in this world. We will overflow with all the beauty and virtue that we tried to cultivate, but never completely achieved before. The heavenly teachings through the inner language will revive all the wisdom that we possess, but were so far unable to use. Then, we will be the most satisfied person, and nothing in the world could offer the same effect.


Peace has been within us all along. It is just that when we are too busy, seeking outside, we perhaps forget this real peace within us, and we encounter some uneasiness or difficulty in life. If we can somehow find the time, or the sincerity with which we can sit down, or just quiet ourselves down, and then search within ourselves, we will find this peace and happiness again. This is the true meaning of meditation. We don't really have to sit in a quiet corner of our house only. We can sit anywhere, or stand in the bus station, or in the bus on the way to work, or sit where we work, and quietly search deep within ourselves for the true spirit which always exists. Because we are not the body or the mind. We are not what we are doing, or what we are learning, and we are not what we are brainwashed into believing that we are. This is difficult to explain. I just understand it clearly myself, and many of our fellow practitioners also understand it.

The Heavenly Music spoken of in all Holy scriptures of different religions such as the"Word" in Christianity, the "Shabd" in Hinduism, the "heavenly music" in Chuang Tse, the "Tao" in the Tao Te Ching, etc. are the only real teachings direct from the Kingdom of God. They are the language of universal love and great intelligence. All teachings come from the Silent Sound, all languages come from this universal language. That's why high level initiates on this path speak all languages within the soul sphere. That is the level of the Master, the one who has mastered the language of the Kingdom of God. We all possess this wisdom, the wisdom to understand all things above this shadowy world, to be omnipresent and to function as the most perfect being in the universe, if only we desire to remember again what we truly are.

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