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A Spiritual Practitioner Lives
in Harmony with Nature

No. CD-CG10

Date: 1988.11.26

Place: Hsihu, Formosa

Occasion: Group Meditation

Language: Chinese


How is the spirit of sacrifice related to progress in spiritual practice? Most sentient beings know to pray to the almighty God or the efficacious Buddhas; but why are they still in ocean of suffering, undergoing transmigration and not attaining liberation from life and death?

In this discourse, Master asks fellow practitioners to clearly identify the true goal of spiritual practice. She also elaborates on why practitioners should not use spiritual power to seek ephemeral things. Master further reminds everyone that, “The simpler and purer our heart is, the more power, merit, and so-called magical powers we will have. Our wisdom will develop, the more we use it; the less we use it, the less it will develop.”
