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A Humble Way of Life

No. CD-E725 (EG159)

2001.12.22, 23

Place: Florida Center, U.S.A.

Language: English

Occasion: International Christmas Celebration


Now that we have a simple life, we have more time. More time means more meditation, more wisdom. More time also means more charitable action, more happiness to everyone around us and for ourselves. More time also means less work, more healthy, more time for family members, more happiness within marriage and family. You see, so much good come out of this spiritual practice ...... Everything is so good, just because it's a good way of life, and the only way of life, the Kingdom of God's way of life.

Topics Addressed

Master tells us that, God lets us learn from the many good qualities of the animals, including love, agility, and unconditional devotion. These animal stories also remind us that God is inside all sentient beings.
Do you know why animals can understand human language so quickly?
Good movies can covey educational messages to the audience in addition to sensory enjoyment. What is Master's criteria when selecting good movies to be introduced to us?
When Master was residing in Germany in the early years, She once acted in the film, "The Serpent's Egg" by the world famous Swedish director, Ingmar Bergman. Do you want to know more about Her participation in this movie?
Why does Master often say that, "Be relaxed in spiritual practice, and God will naturally come"?
Why is a good Quan Yin practitioner always much adored anywhere he/she goes? How can each of us manifest the Master Power within us?
Do you want to know, in the heart of an Enlightened Master, how She feels about "humility"?
What is the benefit of living a simple life? How greatly we will benefit from practicing spiritually and by abiding to the lifestyle of Heaven?
Master elaborates on the undesirable after effects to the spiritual life of fellow initiates who had once departed from the Quan Yin Method, but had later returned. What is the good advice that Master has for initiates who like window-shopping for spiritual methods?
Today, scientists and doctors have found out how consumption of cow's milk could harm the human body. Master recommends substitutes that are better than cow's milk. Master further elaborates on the harm of meat consumption, and explained why we should not raise cattle, from humanitarian points of view.
